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During the first century there lived a very
skilled artisan, living in Palatine Hill country. His name was Demetrius Aulgia
Octavos. The people of the time claimed his hands were formed at the beginning
of time and were passed down from the original creation. He was a passionate
man, though humble. He felt blessed by God to be able to create anything at all
and never claimed to be anything on his own, apart from God.
Nonetheless he was extremely talented, so
much so that his skills came to the attention of Emperor Titus. Who
commissioned Demetrious to craft a series of statues to adorn the courtyard in
his newly-built Flavian Palace. Demetrious was honored and agreed immediately
with no inquiry about wages.
Demetrious began at once, picking the
finest marble and assembling his tools. He chose to sculpt three figures. The
first he titled, Hope, whose eyes gazed
to the heavens and whose whole body seemed to follow as if she would fly into
the sky with the anticipation the artist conveyed. The second was titled, Grace, whose hands
were extended outward as if to receive the whole world to its bosom. The warmth
it seemed to express made many forget that in reality, it was a statue made
from cold marble. The third was titled faith, whose legs and feet where so
vivid that they seemed to be moving and living. Many swore that they saw it
move and the marble statue was mistaken for human at many a dinner party.
All three statues were completed in record
time. The emperor was well pleased. He, however, was deeply troubled with the
power of the sculptor. The statues stood so boldly and life-like. This, along
with Demetrious` reputation for being from the divine, caused fear in Titus.
not only did not pay Demetrious the standard rate, but had him flogged and
banished to the conquered islands of Britain. There Demetrious and his wife and
son lived out the rest of their days in squalor. Demetrious spoke often of his
three greatest creations, so much so that his son never forgot the way his
father described them, He in turn told his children about the three awe
inspiring statues.
Years went by. Titus became bitter and
resentful toward these three master pieces and let them go to ruin. His
children, knowing his wrathful temper, also did not care for the statues.
Eventually, the palace itself was destroyed
and the town was mostly abandoned. 100 years passed and the structures around
the statues fell away. Amazingly, the statues remained standing.
Hope’s head fell to the earth, Grace’s
hands crumbled and Faith`s feet were covered with moss and dirt. Then one day Demetrious`
great-great-great-grandson Petrious made the long journey to the once great Roman
state. He had heard the stories of these majestic statues since he was old
enough to sit at his grand-father’s feet. He had decided in his heart he must
see the three figures himself.
As Petrious
approached the statues, seeing the decayed state they had fallen into
his, heart leapt. He saw what Demetrious had seen years ago: the vision of
hope, grace and faith. He, like his great-great-great-grandfather, was also an
Petrious opened up his bag of tools and
over the course of many months, slowly, pains- takenly restored the three
statues. Most days he would work from sunrise to sunset. Some days he would not
sleep at all. He had a vision that needed to be completed. He needed to
resurrect these three. When he had completed the work, Hope’s eyes were so
vivid that many could not gaze into them, Grace’s hands were so loving that
children would run to her, and Faith’s feet and legs were so strong and vivid
that athletes would go to him for inspiration before a big race.
In the beginning,
God created. He created the basic elements. God took those basic, wild, untamed
elements, the chaotic forces of nature, and formed all things into order.
Genesis tells how
God separated night from day, earth from water. He made the moon to shine at night and the sun to shine by day. All nature was sorted and
placed in its proper place.
God the Father
had a vision. A great, fantastic, awe-inspiring vision, a vision for all
creation, a vision for all history, a vision for all created beings. He had and
still has a vision for us.
Just as Demetrius
had a vision, a purpose and plan for each of his statues, God has a vision,
purpose and plan for us as individuals.
Psalm 139:13 and
14 says, “…you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Jeremiah 1:5 says
referring to the prophetic calling on Jeremiah's life, “Before I formed you
in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
How many of us
truly realize the significance of this?
Ephesians 1:4
says, “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to
be holy and without fault in his eyes.”
This means we
were predestined before the very foundations of the world! Before God created
the very elements of creation, before He wrought the wild chaotic forces that
would form the very essence of the earth, before the Holy Spirit hovered over
the surface of the waters which God used to put life into every creature on the
Earth, before all of that, He not only thought of us, but it says He chose us
and loved us. We were not an afterthought, but a contributing factor to
creation. Just as God planned out the placement of the stars, just as He had a
vision for the placement of the oceans, He had a vision of you. Your eyes, your
hair, your laugh, your personality. That vision was with Him as He began
creation.With that vision of love for us, He created the world. It was only
after the vision of you that he set to the task of creating the world.
I like to imagine
it as if He took the clay, the very elements that he made Adam with, and as He
created him, He was thinking of you and me. He was like Demetrius in our story:
he had the vision, he gathered the best materials and tools and created a
We are labours of
love made by the father of all creation!
Rule of Sin and Death
In creation, God
took chaos and made peace and order. He created us at peace with Him, in right
relationship, in harmony. He made us in His image, to care for creation and put
things in order as He did in the beginning.
Then entered sin
and death. We were taken out of right relationship; chaos again was introduced
to the world. Violence and death, destruction, pain and agony run rampant.
Just as the three
statues in our story deteriorated and rotted as they were exposed to the
element of nature. mankind was exposed to the law of sin and death and was
corrupted and distorted.
Adam and Eve ate
the fruit and brought about disease to a healthy creation.
Just as Emperor
Titus was jealous of Demetrius’ creations, the devil was jealous of God’s.
Just as Titus
brought decay and destruction to the statues, Satan brought about decay and
destruction to creation.
Adam and Eve were
to tenderly care for creation, but after the Fall they, had to fight to subdue
the chaos.
Although we see a
huge physical struggle portrayed in Genesis, although we see the physical
results of the fall very vividly, the largest fall was of the Spirit. Men and
women were disconnected not just from the peace and harmony of creation, but
from the Creator Himself.
We lost our
identities in the fall and we have been looking for it ever since.
It’s these pains the world has been suffering from. It’s the painful disconnect. It’s the dog eat
dog, it’s the corruption of mind and heart, it is
the pain we feel in our hearts that something is not right.
However, Jesus
has come! He came healing the bodies of lepers, giving sight to the blind,
making the lame walk. But He also came removing demons and calling the lost to
Jesus broke into
human history with a connection to God.
When you have a
faulty connection to your light switch, the light will not come on. But when
the connection is restored, low and behold, you have light to see in the
darkness. Jesus was the divine electrician. He fixed the connection to the Father
and light flooded the world. He came not only to heal our physical bodies, but
to restore our identity, to restore us to the vision that God had at original
creation, to show us our true created purpose. His death and resurrection broke
the rule of sin and death! We no longer need to be lost, or broken, or
destitute. We are not orphans, we are not vagabonds, we are not homeless. We
have a Father, we have a home.
The bank was once
empty of all its resources. The world was bankrupted. No reserves, no petty
cash. All the world had, was two tie wires and a piece of string called “the
law” to get by. Then came Jesus, with His death and resurrection. The bank
over-flowed! He made a deposit of grace, hope and faith. He made a deposit of
freedom. The spiritual economy was booming! However, you can have all the money
in the world and die alone, hungry and cold. In order to utilize your wealth,
you must go into the bank and withdraw the money. We must do the same. We need
to cash out on what Jesus deposited. It takes action!
Do we as a church
believe in the finished work of Christ? Is it a completed work or a half-completed
work? Did He only die on the cross? Did He not rise again?
The work is not
half-completed, but wholly and fully completed. Just as Demetrius finished his
statues and didn’t just drop three marble stones in the
courtyard and call it a day, just as God finished creation and didn’t just leave the world shapeless and void, in the same manner, Jesus
fulfilled His vision. He completed His task.
If we believe
this, then we need to accept what He has completed. Too long the church has pressed
for everyone to say a simple prayer and continue on in slavery. To long we have
acted like Jesus is an insurance policy to simply get us out of hell.
Romans 6:1-5 says,
“Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more
of his wonderful grace? Of course not!
Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or have you
forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him
in his death? For we died and
were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. Since we
have been united with him in his death, we will also be raised to life as he
We are to join in
His death and resurrection! We must die to the law of sin and death and live
free. Live a resurrected life!
Verses 13- 14: “Do not let any part of your body
become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely
to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as
an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your
master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you
live under the freedom of God’s grace.”
We live under the
freedom of God’s grace!
Through Christ’s death and resurrection He has made it possible for us to live under
a canopy of truth, grace and restoration. Although sin is still to be found in
this world and creation is still in chaos, man does not need to be IN this
corruption. We can be IN Christ! We can live set apart from this fallen world.
We can live as if we never ate the fruit.
Picture this: a
cold night in the forest. You are freezing and IN the elements. You roll out
your big thick sleeping bag and get inside. Although the outside temperature is
still freezing and the wind is still blowing, you’re now warm and cozy inside you're sleeping bag.
Although the
world is still cold and dark, although death, tragedy and disease still run
rampant, we are IN Christ and so we can live free from it all.
Just as the three
statues were restored and stood tall apart from the palace and surrounding town
which were still in ruin, we can stand restored in our broken world.
Holy Spirit
Sin has done many
things to us all. Even in the situations when we were not the ones who sinned,
we still felt the effect of this sinful world. The fallen world has taken its
toll on us all! The corruption of creation has left us all lost, broken and
God made us with
a purpose. He has loved us since the beginning of time. There is a reason we were put on this earth. I don’t know all of your stories; I don’t know all your
struggles. But I do know that you all, like me, have them.
We are like all
the statues in the story, created wonderful and
magnificent, all different and beautiful in our own design. However, we are all hurt and damaged in some way. Some have been abused, and our eyes look
downward in shame instead of up to heaven with hope. Some of us have
experienced tragedy and our hands are no longer outstretched to those around
us. We keep others at a distance for fear of being hurt.
Many of us have
gone the wrong direction, choosing the way of man instead of the narrow path of
Christ. And our legs ache and our feet are sore from running in circles for so
long. We have searched and searched and now we are afraid to move forward.
The good news is,
we do not need to stay the way we are. We do not need to stay broken!
Maybe you have
had healing in your life, but still do not feel like you’re living to your full potential. Maybe you feel like you can’t go that extra mile and get past some of the things that you view as
small hurdles. You can’t, but the Holy
Spirit can.
Philippians 1:6
says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will
continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus
We serve a God
who is not satisfied with the mediocre. He didn’t have a vision from the beginning of time of you being half of whom
He made you to be. You are to be whole! The completed masterpiece he created!
Just as in our
story, as the sculptors great-great-great-grandson came to restore the statues,
God sent His son Jesus to restore you.
We must open the
closed doors to our hearts. We must take out those broken parts, those secret
areas that we have held for so long, thinking that there is no use in asking
for God’s healing in those areas. There is! Because you are His and you are
created with a purpose.
We enter into
Christ’s resurrection by the power of the Holy
Spirit, for it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that Christ accomplished His
earthly ministry and it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus rose
from the grave.
This same Holy
Spirit lives in us as believers. When we are open to the Holy Spirit, when we
allow Him full reign in our lives, He then is able to always move, to create
growth, to be continually resurrecting and restoring the original created image
in us.
He then has free rein
to move with ongoing power with the continuation of Christ’s resurrection in
each and every one of us. For full restoration we need only be open to His
movement in and through us. The Holy Spirit is asking us to open our hearts to
I pray that the Holy
Spirit will bring the healing and restoration that is needed in your life
May Jesus Christ
transform you by His Power. May you feel the Spirit’s presence. May all the
chains of this world be broken, may you live free, to accomplish what He has
set before you.
In Jesus name